Saturday, February 28, 2015

Looks I loved this week

Here are some cute looks from this week.

Some of these might have been from weeks past, but still dope!

Love the entire look!

Danielle Brooks

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Fave looks from New York Fashion Week


Such a busy schedule that somehow I missed New York Fashion Week last week!

How'd THAT happen!  It's THE show for Spring 2015, and the fashions that grace the runway at NYFW are a preview for what we'll see in stores and in fashion this spring.

Well, the good thing about blogging is that I can still do a recap a week late, LOL. Here are a few fave looks, courtesy of eBay and, featuring street looks and what sizzled on the runway.

Street style: Love the detail here. Those boots, tho!!

Street style: YSL! Need I say more!

I like this vintage-inspired look from Richard Chai. It might not be something I'd automatically turn to, but with the accessories, yaaasss! Photo credit: Cindy Ord/Getty Images

Supermodel Naomi Campbell is escorted down the NYFW runway with Zac Posen, in a beautiful Zac Posen gown.

This bodysuit from Jay Godfrey! Serving 'em.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Plus-size fashion: Don’t love it? Just leave it

This is a guest post from Atlanta-based fashion and style blogger Ayana G.

This morning Good Morning America (GMA) featured Target’s new plus-size fashion line, Ava & Viv. The clothing looks okay. Some of the newer pieces, which I think will have more style, will drop on March 1. I’ll reserve my thoughts on the line until next week.

Jacket featured from Target’s Ava and Liv plus-size fashion line
What I want to vent about today is all of the hate that plus-size models and the big beautiful women who wear and love plus-size fashions are getting these days. The hate is nothing new. We’re used to the name calling, the fat jokes the insults and the size discrimination. Just because we are used to it doesn’t make it right or acceptable.

What is really getting to me is this implication that just because some of us, well actually many of us are plus size, that we should not be allowed to look good, dress good and feel good about our big bold beautiful style. This implication in society that only women size 0 through 10 have the right to be fashionable and stylish and feel sexy in our cloths is ridiculous.
Read more here

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Giuliana Rancic, locs and the apology

Apparently, Giuliana Rancic got the memo: Don't talk about a black woman's hair!
Christopher Polk/Getty

Rancic, the co-host of E! News and the Fashion Police, drew a firestorm of controversy after talking about the faux locs actress Zendaya Coleman wore on the red carpet at the Oscars on Sunday.

But she didn't just say she didn't like her hair or her hairstyle -- she went way too far in her commentary, saying the 18-year-old actresses' faux locs looked like they smelled of "Patchouli Oil and Weed."


While co-host Kelly Osbourne thought Coleman’s red carpet look was the bee's knees and the “biggest statement” of the night, Rancic went in. She totally bypassed the beautiful gown Coleman was wearing and went in on her hair:  “This hair overwhelms her. I feel like she smells like patchouli oil … or weed. Maybe weed.”

Racist, much? She put her foot all up in her mouth, 'hairtyping' and castigating folks based on their hairstyles with her culturally offensive, racist and clueless statements. Look, we don't need Rancic to weigh in on Black hair; it's enough mess we have to deal with when it comes to that. Don't need her to add her two cents, thank you very much. 

A cultural no-no

And then Black Twitter exploded. Really, I expected nothing less.

Folks online pointed out that Kylie Jenner, who worked on the Fashion Police with Rancic as a co-host, also had faux locs. But NONE of this was said -- not a peep. None of it. And now everyone from Solange, who took to Twitter to express her displeasure about how In Touch Magazine compared her fro to a dog, to View co-host Whoopi Goldberg, is clapping back.

As they should.

Rancic got called out -- and that's a good thing -- not only for her statements, but a later half-assed non-apology on Twitter on Tuesday. In my Kevin Hart voice: "You gone learn today!"

And this is where Rancic was wrong. Her undertones were dipped in racism and relied on tired, old stereotypes about Black people that categorize us as lazy and dirty. And so Rancic treaded into the nasty waters of Black hair politics, which claims victims as young as three-year-old Blue Ivy Carter -- and that even started BEFORE she was born.

I am not my hair? 

I wish it was just hair, but it's not. You really thought we'd give you a pass on this one? Chile, bye!

We catch hell no matter the style - from weaved up and naturally coiffed to natural kinks and coils to straight hair. Hair respectability politics? Black folks would like to think that straight hair would make it all better, but it really does not matter how we wear our hair. What's certain is that there is still a standard - and natural hair ain't it.

Rancic's comments only served to reinforce that to many, even now, that straight hair is the only answer, the only standard.

But then Coleman said this, which was utterly brilliant. She may only be 18 but she is thick skinned and has a wisdom beyond her years. She responded PERFECTLY. Nailed it. I could not have said it better.

I'm here for this. ALL of this. Listen here. Coleman is a grown ass woman -- and her response proves it. She gave as good as she got. She's right. Certain things can't go unchecked. And this was one of them.

What's so ironic to me is that when white women wear "ethnic" hairstyles like cornrows or braids,  they are called edgy and trendy. But let a Black girl wear it and she's ghetto. Same thing with hair color.  Bye, Felecia!

This hair thing, let me tell ya.

On Tuesday night, Rancic apologized on air, saying this:
"I’d really like to address something that is weighing very heavy on my heart. I want to apologize for a comment that I made on last night’s ‘Fashion Police’ about Zendaya’s hair,” Rancic said. “Now, as you know, ‘Fashion Police’ is a show that pokes fun at celebrities in good spirit, but I do understand that something I said last night did cross the line. I just want everyone to know, I didn’t intend to hurt anybody, but I’ve learned it is not my intent that matters — it’s the result, and the result is that people are offended, including Zendaya, and that is not OK."

Rancic also acknowledged that: "This incident has taught me to be a lot more aware of cliches and stereotypes, how much damage they can do. And that I am responsible, as we all are, to not perpetuate them further."

Did Zendaya even accept her apology? I don't know. Talk co-host Sheryl Underwood made a good point on-air today: People want to know you made a mistake, that you are sorry and it won't happen again. Was she truly sorry pr sorry she got caught? 
Apology or not, all I know is, I'm tired of even having to think about the need for an apology in the first place.

Lupita Nyong'o at the Oscars -

So many cute glam fashions at the Oscars. My girl Lupita Nyong'o SLAYED in a pearl dress from Calvin Klein. Yes, HairNistas,a pearl dress -- and from one of my fave designers.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Glitz and glam at the Oscars

It was all about the glam at the Oscars on Sunday.

Just two months after giving birth to twins, a radiant and gorgeous Zoe Saldana wore a curve-hugging mauve gown. She looked beautiful, and pregnancy fit her well.

Viola Davis slayed, once again, rocking her natural curls. I LOVE her hair!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bey wears Sambo Coat

Beyonce is known to push the fashion envelope, but this 'style' has me ABSOLUTELY busted and disgusted.

The pop music queen recently wore a trench coat with a Sambo on it at the All Star games over the weekend. She needs to be slapped. I'm calling her out. Go ahead. I'll wait for the Beygency to defend this foolishness; they always do, because the Beyhive can do no wrong.

But this is just wrong. Why would you wear this mess -- a Scooter LaForge trench coat that retails for $320 with an offensive Sambo character on it -- at the All Star games? What fashion sense is this? This is so inappropriate, racist and insensitive that it's scary. Does Bey even know what this means, how offensive this is?

Of all the things you could wear, and you choose this foolishness? I am so done.

Last week, she snatched a song from Ledisi at the Grammy's. This week, she's wearing a Sambo coat by an "artist" from New Mexico. There is no artistic value in this. Needs her black card snatched. 

Is this what some men are wearing?

Fashion always evolves; even mens' fashions in 2015.

But when you and your dude can wear the exact same outfit, that's when I have a problem. You like it, I love it. But know that I do have a choice. And for me, I like clear lines of clothing distinction. No, you should not wear the same cuffed pants that I do; I don't want to share your pants. (I blame Dwayne Wade.)

No, we don't both need to wear pink (my favorite color) and purple at the same time (though I do think men don't have to limit themselves to basic brown/black and that those two traditionally "feminine" colors can work well in some mens' clothing).

And finally, just stahp with the men's jeggings, leggings or whatever you want to call them. We don't need to share pants or a closet.You don't need to be all up in my clothes hamper trying on my skinny jeans, thank you very much.

You have man parts. I have lady parts. And in no clothes -- except for me wearing your big, roomy T shirts, button ups or sweatshirts -- should those two meet. 

Which leads me to this, below, which hit the Internet yesterday.

Maybe they wanted a reaction. Well, they are going to get it. And maybe that's what they wanted -- to display runway fashions that are so unpractical and laughable because you'd never actually wear them anywhere else -- they do that with womens' fashions ALL the time.

Listen here: I am all for a turtleneck sweaters. But a turtleneck man dress and thigh high socks? Nah, maaaan. I don't care how buffed the dude is. I simply cannot.

First man weaves. Now this? 

That fro, tho!

I am a huge Stevie Wonder fan. Did you see the tribute yesterday on BET? I did not! Boo!!!  I was picking up my teenagers from work and missed it (hopefully, there will be a repeat).

But this photo gave me life this morning!!! I miss Michael Jackson and that fro.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Grammy Recap

The Grammys went down three days ago, but I'm still feening over this jumpsuit worn by none other than Jane Fonda.

Should I even mention that Jane Fonda is 77? Don't matter. She's WEARING THE HELL OUT OF THIS JUMPSUIT! Style on fleek. 

I love everything about it -- the emerald green shimmer. Love the accessories - the gold shimmery body necklace, even the gold clutch. Even the wide belt (I'd pair it with a skinny belt, but this works for her). 

Flawless. Everyone else should have went home, left the red carpet. Because their outfits paled by comparison. Ms. Fonda shut it DOWN!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tracee Ellis Ross on the cover of Essence

Curlfriend Tracee Ellis Ross graces this month's cover of Essence.

Holy, curls!

And here are other few goodies from inside:

Friday, February 6, 2015

That's right

Hear no perm.
See no perm.
Speak no perm.

Is this Kerry Washington?

Really, this has got to be some sort of sick joke.

Kerry Washington is on the March cover of In Style, but you'd barely know it from the photo. Looks nothing like her, and it appears the magazine may have Photoshopped the photo of the actress to make her appear lighter and nearly unrecognizable.

Really? Washington was on the cover of Lucky in 2013 and ditto -- instantly unreognizable, and the worse thing about it was that her skin looked pink. WTH? Now, In Style has her in a white off the shoulder dress and she's looking a lot like CNN correspondent Soledad O'Brien.

The photo gathered lots of controversy on social media on Thursday, and InStyle issued a statement: 

"While we did not digitally lighten Kerry's skin tone, our cover lighting has likely contributed to this concern. We understand that this has resulted in disappointment and hurt. We are listening, and the feedback has been valuable. We are committed to ensuring that this experience has a positive influence on the ways in which we present all women going forward," the magazine said, according to the Associated Press.

Washington, who was reportedly "thrilled" with the cover photo, responded:

She's a top-rated actress on a #1 program. At least they can get her to look right on the cover of a magazine.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Lucky Magazine gets it right

Lucky Magazine got it right.

This month's cover features a beautiful nnd glowing Lupita N'yongo. This is big considering that it massacred a cover with actress Kerry Washington in 2013, with her skin having a weird pink tint that no camera on earth could ever produce.

This time around, they nailed it, capturing Lupita in all of her brown splendor and sporting a fuller tapered natural hairstyle than what she has worn in the past.