Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Halle Berry's LBD Creates Controversy

By Tenisha Mercer

Halle Berry appearing on Jay Leno wearing a Reem Accra LBD with a plunging neckline
Most Monday nights, I'm sleep by 11:30. Between writing this blog, my day jobs managing web content for a global technology company, running a media company and helping my husband run a security company, I'm spent most nights.

But I was up working on Monday night and happened to get a glimpse of  Halle Berry on Jay Leno, wearing a strapless Reem Accra dress with a plunging neckline.  At 40ish, Halle looked great in her LBD, which was trimmed in silver.

Some boobage action, IMO, but very classy. No nipples, check. No areolas, check. The dress plunged down in some parts to her navel, showing peekaboo parts, but not too much. Again very sexy. Nothing that would get her booted off TV.

But you know how the trolls are:

They pounced on Halle. Commenters chastised her dress. And of course we got the dreaded "Mom" and setting an example for her daughter comments. As if a Mom has the gall to be sexy. Commenters on called her "desperate," nasty and "too old."

Really? Clue me in, please: Does being a Mom mean you lose all your sex appeal the minute you birth a baby? I mean, I thought sex was how the baby got there in the first place.

And she was showing some boobage action, IMO, but very classy. Not nipples. Check. No areolas, check. The dress plunged down in some parts to her navel, showing peekaboo parts, but not too much. Again very sexy.

I thought the dress was something that I would even wear (though my girls would probably spilleth over a little bit more, but anywho). The dress was BAD! Leno was clearly distracted, and why wouldn't he be? A beautiful woman staring at him can do that to most talk show hosts.

You Mad?

Let's just please call a moratorium on all of this motherhood and sexiness mess, because I smell haters. Women half Halle's age WISHED they looked like her in that dress.

Her outfit was sexy, classy; I guess her only fault was her "age" -- and it's the 500-lb elephant in the living room. Notice that most of the noise isn't from men - they are happy to look at Halle, thank you, very much -- it's from other women, chastising Halle's dress.

Why We Don't Want to Deal with Growing Old and Sex

Sexiness has no age limit. But we don't want to think of a woman near 50 as sexy -- though Halle is the exact opposite; she embraces her sexy. It's 2013, but still think a woman of a certain age should just throw in the towel and call it quits; no more sexy for her.

Throw away the stilettoes. Forget wearing anything tight or revealing. That ish is supposed to be covered up and she's supposed to be somewhere baking cookies and rocking her grandbabies, right?  Not Halle. And that's the other real issue -- not her dress.

Halle's sexy and she knows it, age be damned. And a whole lot of folks have a lot of problems with that.

I say: You got it, flaunt it -- no matter the age. Frankly, I've seen more cleavage at a Miss Universe contest. So what's the big deal? Halle's boobs aren't to her stomach, so why NOT show them off. She looks great, and I imagine she puts a lot of work into her her body.

Would be a shame to cover it up.

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